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Top 5 Cloud Computing Jobs in India

Cloud Computing Jobs

Today, most of the tech is dependent on cloud computing. From startups to well-established firms, everyone is operating on the cloud. Thus, the number of cloud computing jobs in India is increasing daily, providing a tremendous opportunity for all tech enthusiasts. 

Let us get familiar with each in detail now!

What is the need for Cloud Computing?

“Cloud Computing is like tap water; you only use it when you need it, but available 24/7.”

Cloud Computing gets used for data backup, disaster recovery, email, virtual desktops, software development and testing, big data analytics, etc. The need for cloud computing has skyrocketed for a long. From cost efficiency to flexibility and scalability, the cloud provides it all.

As per the latest news, “India leads use of hybrid multi-cloud with 44% of companies using it,” it is evidently clear that the Indian government is utterly favouring cloud computing. And around 55K+ cloud computing job vacancies are available in India.

How can I pursue a career in Cloud Computing?

Since now you are familiar with the need for cloud computing in the tech industry, you must have the answer to this question. But in order to dive deep into the concept, let us understand how to pursue a career in cloud computing in detail.

No matter whether you are a fresher or an experienced tech enthusiast, beginning with the cloud will definitely bring you a fortune. All you need to do is find a good mentor, and I can bet no one is better than Network Kings.

At Network Kings, you get course training and career roadmaps, too. You can choose any Cloud Master Program to learn the in-demand skills directly from real-time cloud engineers with over 12 years of industry experience.

What Cloud Program can I get at Network Kings?

Network Kings provides you with two cloud master programs, namely-

Our AWS Cloud Security Master Program comprises three live programs (AWS Solutions Architect, AWS Security, and AWS Certified Advanced Network Speciality) and four self-paced programs worth 1500$.

Our Azure Cloud Security Master Program comprises three live programs (Azure 104, Azure 500, and Azure 700) and four self-paced programs worth 1500$.

NOTE: You can also opt for our All Access Pass to master 55+ in-demand courses (Networking, Cloud, Cybersecurity, and DevOps) in one go. 

What are the top 5 Cloud Computing Jobs in India?

The top five cloud computing jobs in India are as follows-

  • Cloud Architect

A Cloud Architect is one who designs and manages the performance of cloud computing solutions and is responsible for creating the overall structure of cloud environments to ensure they are efficient, scalable, and secure. 

Cloud Architects work closely with the distributors to understand requirements and strategise resolutions that meet business needs.

Prerequisites to Become a Cloud Architect:

  1. A strong IT background
  2. Understanding of cloud technologies like AWS, Azure, Google, etc.
  3. Fundamental knowledge of network security and infrastructure designing

Salary Package:

The salary package for a Cloud Architect in India varies between 10 LPA to 30 LPA.

  • Cloud Engineer

A Cloud Engineer is one who is accountable for executing, supervising, and sustaining cloud infrastructure and services. 

All the Crucial tasks like setting up virtual servers, configuring networks, automating processes, and troubleshooting issues get carried out by the Cloud Engineers.

Prerequisites to Become a Cloud Engineer:

  1. Understanding of cloud technologies like AWS, Azure, Google, etc.
  2. Basic programming skills
  3. Experience with infrastructure deployment and management

Salary Package:

The salary package for a Cloud Engineer in India varies between 6 LPA to 18 LPA.

  • Cloud Network Engineer

A Cloud Network Engineer is one who focuses primarily on the networking elements of cloud computing. 

A Cloud Network Engineer mainly develops, executes, and operates cloud network infrastructure, providing high availability, implementation, and security.

Prerequisites to Become a Cloud Network Engineer:

  1. A strong understanding of networking
  2. Experience with cloud technologies
  3. Basic knowledge of cloud networking protocols

Salary Package:

The salary package for a Cloud Network Engineer in India varies between 7 LPA to 22 LPA.

  • Cloud Security Engineer

A Cloud Security Engineer is one who focuses on executing and maintaining security standards to safeguard cloud environments from emerging cyber threats. 

A Cloud Security Engineer mainly develops security protocols, monitors for security breaches, and ensures adherence to regulations.

Prerequisites to Become a Cloud Security Engineer:

  1. Comprehensive understanding of cloud and security
  2. Knowledge of security protocols and encryption techniques
  3. Familiarity with the cloud and its functioning

Salary Package:

The salary package for a Cloud Security Engineer in India varies between 9 LPA to 33 LPA.

  • Cloud Administrator

A Cloud Administrator is one who is accountable for the day-to-day administration and operation of cloud infrastructure. 

A Cloud Administrator mainly handles tasks such as provisioning resources, surveying performance, supervising user accounts, and troubleshooting all related issues.

Prerequisites to Become a Cloud Administrator:

  1. Proficiency with the cloud and its functions
  2. Comprehensive understanding of system administration tasks and scripting skills
  3. Basic knowledge of networking and security concepts
  4. Experience with cloud technologies

Salary Package:

The salary package for a Cloud Administrator in India varies between 6 LPA to 20 LPA.

Wrapping Up!

Since you know all the top five highly-paying cloud computing jobs in India and how to prepare for those, contact Network Kings today to shape your career. We are all set to mentor you. 

For any doubts or queries, do not hesitate to write to us in the comments box below or fill out the form to talk to our counsellors.

Happy Learning!